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Interpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (IDTAP): Transference and Countertransference Perspectives

Ales Zivkovic, MSc, PTSTA(P) will be delivering a two-day teach on the topic of Interpretive Dynamic Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (IDTAP), with specific focus on the use of transference and countertransference in support of diagnosis and treatment in clinical setting.

The training will consist of the teaching part, including theory and practice examples, and the supervision part.

The training will cover:

•      Conceptualisation and placement of interpretive dynamic transactional analysis psychotherapy (IDTAP) in the context of TA history.

•      Transference and countertransference from the perspective of (IDTAP).

•      Contrasting the transference and extratransference work to other main TA approaches.

•      Research findings on transference work and integration of these findings into clinical setting using IDTAP.

•      Negative countertransference.

•      Negative therapeutic reactions, sabotage, and destruction of therapy.

•      Correlation between transference work, therapeutic boundaries/therapeutic frame, contracting, and symptomatology.

The teaching is organised in cooperation with the Ukrainian TA community. It will take place online (over Zoom) and will be supported by Russian translation.

The second day of the training will take place on 11 December 2021.

7 November

Eric Berne’s Foundations and Modern Perspectives on The Concept of OKness

5 February

Dependent Personality and Interpersonal Dependency: From Trauma to Identity to Trauma